Monday, October 28, 2013

Our low sodium journey

It is with a happy heart that I am announcing our venture back into the world of sodium.. although many of our lifestyle changes we plan to carry on.
A few weeks ago Matthew received a kidney transplant! 
We have been advised to always remain vigilant about our sodium intake, but we definitely do not need to be on such strict watch. I hope this (short) blog of products is helpful to other people starting  down the low sodium path. 
I will try to update this blog when I find new products but it likely won't be quite as often as I have updated it in the past. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013


When I first tried these chips I thought they were so plain that I actually salted them for myself (without telling Matt). But I have to say that these chips have really grown on me, they taste like potatoes not salt.  I would actually purchase them over the salted variety now. 

Low Sodium bread machine pizza dough

I keep stalling at posting this recipe because I want to include a picture but I can't seem to remember to take a picture... so here is a the recipe for low sodium pizza dough for the bread machine.
We love to make pizza from scratch but struggled for a long time to find the right combination of salt and yeast. I think we finally have it:

1 cup water
1 Tbsp shortening
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 2/3 Cup flour
3/4 tsp yeast

There you go! You will have to trust me as I have no picture proof..

We usually top it with homemade low sodium pizza sauce, our favourite low sodium mozzarella cheese (here) and different combinations of low sodium toppings.