Monday, November 18, 2013

Dill Pickles

Even at 50% less salt, these are are not really a good option for people on a low sodium diet.. but they are the ones that we get for our pickle obsessed son.


  1. Pickles are hard to deal with. So far I haven't found a reduced sodium pickle that was worth buying. My biggest complaint is the serving size. You read the amount of sodium and think, "Oh, this isn't bad." Then you read the serving size and discover that it's for 1/3 of a pickle. Sheesh! Who eats just one-third of a pickle! I've also been disappointed with supposedly low sodium pickle spears. The serving size may or may not be one spear. But the real problem is that the spears aren't uniformly cut. So then you've got to weigh the pickle spear and fiddle with adding or subtracting pickle bits to make up a serving. Not worth the trouble in my book.

    I buy the no-salt-added pickles from Healthy Heart Market or Delicious Concepts. This way I know there will be no sodium problems. They don't taste the same as regular salty pickles, but they satisfy my husband.

  2. Weighing them is really the only way to go. I avoided them completely while we had to be really strict.
    My little one is obsessed with pickles, so now we have them in the house and if my husband wants a bite, it is ok... luckily he is not like his son!
